HF Bar Ranch


Make your Reservation Today

The Ranch has received placement on the National Register of Historic Places along with being named one of the "1,000 Places to See Before You Die."  It has also been widely acclaimed by such notable national publications as the New York Times, Travel & Leisure magazine, Parent's magazine, Town & Country magazine, and the Western Horseman.

Welcome to the 2025 HF Bar Ranch summer season!

The words in the above video are the very words spoken by founder, Frank O. Horton in 1923.. Imagine! That was over 100 years ago and the those words still ring even more true today. Our simple philosophy is that we want to refresh your mind,  invigorate your body, and replenish your spirit in every way!

We look forward to seeing you soon in the wide open spaces of Wyoming 
where social-distancing has been practiced since the late 1800s. An honest handshake and our word means everything here. We want you to not have a care in the World while you are here with us except to plan your next adventure. 

Whether you enjoy horseback riding through the scenic Bighorn Mountains, catching (and releasing) trout in mountain streams on dry flies, breaking some clays on one of our many sporting clays courses, or just relaxing at the base of the mountains with your family - the HF Bar Ranch is the place for you!

 We are excited to provide fresh, organic, and innovative cuisine  to fuel you and your family through your stay.

Changes, and innovations aside - the Ranch will feel the same as it has for the last 112 years. The wildflowers will bloom in June, tie dye is on Wednesdays, the teens have a new Hideout (no adults or messes allowed!), Dugan Irby and the Band play each Monday night, three bars flow with merriment, and the Road Kill Rangers are still Rockin’ In The Free World to end their set. 
Drinks before dinner are at the Elk Shed Bar, and after dinner and a horseback ride a combination of the Broken Spear Saloon and Rock Creek Rod and Gun create a “street scene” where adults sip on beverages, and kids play under the lights until bed. 

The HF Bar Ranch is an outdoors-oriented vacation. COVID-19 has become more endemic than pandemic.  Regardless, we take precautions to keep your family safe. 
All of our employees have been vaccinated and boosted. We sanitize your cabin before your arrival, and commonly touched surfaces throughout your stay. Most importantly, for everyone on the Ranch, we encourage frequent hand washing, fist bumps over hugs, and being mindful of other's space.
We do not require guests to be vaccinated, but we encourage it.

Whether it’s your family’s first trip, or your 40th year, we are excited to have you.

-Margi and the Team


 HF Bar Ranch is operating under a special use permit on the Bighorn National Forest.   
HF Bar Ranch is an equal opportunity provider. 

  Life is simple here at the HF Bar Ranch and we like it that way.  Situated in a pristine valley on nearly 7500 acres bordering Wyoming's Bighorn National Forest, there is a darn good chance that you will find something to do here. From riding the high plains and pure mountain meadows, to casting a fly rod, to hiking the mountain country, to watching your children safely run with abandon, to just reading a book on your cabin porch. Check out more about this grand old Ranch throughout this website or give us a call in the Ranch Office.

HF Bar Ranch

1301 Rock Creek Road

Saddlestring, Wyoming 82840 


Office Phone Number: (307) 684-2487